Thursday, January 5, 2012

State of Mind

“Reality Distortion” was once considered bad, ugly, and the facet where no-one-want-to-be. However as per the records we had a genius who passed away recently; named “Steve Jobs” was one of the personalities who “acquired” this achievement. It can be understood more effectively by noticing certain reactions of oneself, such as sudden bursts of anger; attention orientation; urges to get “high”; feeling of loneliness; dismantling of social relations, etc. If these are some of the events taking place regularly with you; “Welcome! You’re now a part of this specie”.
I am still not pretty much sure “Why all this happens??” In my opinion I feel that this is not fruitful “socially” till the results are not derived. More important; question here lies in the consequences that lead to this “stage”. Bulleted list below are some of the “paths” that lead to such an “epitome” of realism (purely fictional) -:
Regular, binge, and heavy drinking.
Increased dosage of cigarettes.
Chronic usage of MaryJane and H*****H
Tensions prevailing in the surroundings.
Mental “illnesses” spread in our ambience.
Repeatedly present at same situations, places, and conditions.
Not able to meet new and more people socially (physical presence; not virtual).
Apart from these there are several other factors that play a “major” role. Being in this kind of “vicious circle” takes a toll an individual’s physical and mental being. Being into this relatively tough situation and dealing with it requires lot of attention, concentration, and self-appreciation. Moreover it requires a great helping hand from family, friends, relatives, and near-and-dear ones.
In middle of all this regular fact remains that everything said to you is been taken personally and with full-rage.
This jest of the article revolves around “KOLAVERI”!!

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